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~ The Way We Help ~


TRE (Tension-trauma and stress release exercises) is an innovative modality that consists of a sequence of simple exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. The exercises are designed for stretching and mildly fatiguing a certain group of legs muscles to induce the tremoring/vibrating of the body. The tremor response is our natural innate reflex mechanism that helps us recover from stressful and traumatic events. TRE helps to optimize the nervous system and return the organism back to a state of homeostasis. Reported benefits of practicing TRE include: less worry and anxiety, reduced symptoms of PTSD, more energy and endurance, improved marital relationships, less workplace stress, better sleep, less relationship conflict, reduced muscle and back pain, increased flexibility, greater emotional resiliency, decreased symptoms of vicarious trauma, healing of old injuries, lessened anxiety surrounding serious illness, and relief from chronic medical conditions. TRE sessions can be done in person or over the zoom video call.

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Sound Bath - 432 Hz Crystal Singing Bowls 

The sound bath is created by playing crystal singing bowls along with a midi device that translates the bio-data of plants into music. The harmonics of sound therapy shift brainwave activity from a state of normal consciousness (beta wave) to a relaxed state (alpha wave), and ultimately a deeply meditative state (theta wave), in which the mind is very quiet and still. The powerful vibrations created by the bowls travel through the body helping to clear the energetic blockages in our energy field. Each of our instruments are tuned to the unique frequency of 432 hertz, which differs from the typical Western music tuning of 440 hertz. Research has shown that music played at 432 hertz lowers heart rate and blood pressure, helping listeners to slow and deepen their breath. These physiological changes reduce anxiety, and can even alleviate depression and physical pain. Participants report that the sound bath leaves them feeling relaxed, focused, content, and energetically refreshed.


Reiki is an energy healing modality with origins from Japan. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”. A reiki session can either be done with no touch, or light touch, while the client is laying on a massage table, fully clothed, with the practitioner holding their hands slightly above the body channeling the Ki into their body. Reiki can be performed with the client sitting comfortably in a chair as well. Another way of receiving reiki is through distance session, where the practitioner and client are in different locations. Reiki works beyond the constrains of time and space, and it’s equally powerful as an

in-person session.

A recipient might feel a warming sensation or a tingling during the session, feel relaxed, or feeling nothing at all. A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress, and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

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Kundalini Yoga

Yoga comes from ancient India, and the word yoga means “union.” The original purpose of yoga was to exercise, stretch, and strengthen the body to be able to sit for long periods of meditation and connect with the divine. There are various types of yoga, and kundalini is one of the most ancient types. It gives special focus to developing a healthy and strong spine. The practice incorporates movement, powerful breathwork, visualizations, and sometimes chanting, to help focus, align, and purify the body and mind, to reach one’s highest state of health and mental balance. 

Who We Are

Azra Gojacic grew up in magical Kladanj, BiH and spent almost ten years of her adulthood living in the New York City area. Here she took the opportunity to explore alternative healing modalities such as reiki, sound healing, Trauma Release Exercises, and polarity therapy. 

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Mia Black ( is originally from New York (USA), and is very happy to be living currently in charming Mostar, BiH. She has a doctorate degree in clinical psychology and practices as an integrative healer, addressing issues and imbalances of the body, mind, heart, and spirit as they all relate to one another. 



As a first time participant of TRE, I found Azra's loving support to be invaluable.
Azra teaches with a compassionate heart creating a safe space in which I felt supported to release the traumas that my body was holding.
If you are someone who’s experiences stress being held in your physical body, please consider a session with Azra.
I was left with a very deep relaxation in body, mind and spirit.
Beth Pfeffer
Multi- dimensional energy healer.


I was introduced to TRE through my therapist who recommended it because of my years of physical abuse and PTSD. My skeptical attitude soon gave way to shock as she was able to induce the desired release which came as tremors without pain or discomfort. I felt the tension in my body start to release and even found myself feeling emotional relief as the involuntary movements continued.
The gentle method she used to have me reach such a powerful release of tension tailored to me without rigorous pain was surprising. I felt lighter and more peaceful for the following two days and more open in therapy.
I am grateful to Azra for opening up this method to help unravel the knot that has kept me tied up for so many years and it’s hard for me to think of a type of person that would not benefit from this TRE method.


Thank you Azra for teaching me the practice of TRE virtually. I appreciated her thorough explanation of what to expect with regards to the stretches and the process of integration.  Despite being virtual, Azra provided specific adjustments to achieve the integration experience. Azra's calm demeanor and presence was helpful in processing the integration and effects on the body.  Highly recommend these sessions as they are a great way to process some effects of stress on your life.



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